Below article is owned by Yogesh Chabria, wonderfully written with loads of information its a must read.
Recently we had a real estate player coming out with an IPO and it wasn’t surprising that the retail subscription was not fully subscribed. Similarly we have had several other IPOs and FPOs where the retail investor has not invested.
But surprisingly all these IPOs/FPOs have somehow managed to get
subscribed/oversubscribed by institutional investors. This could probably mean that retail investors are not as smart as some of the institutional investors and probably don’t know what they are missing out. Or it could mean that retail investors are getting more intelligent and understand actual valuations. It could also mean that promoters coming out with the IPO might have treated some Mutual Fund Manager handling public funds to a nice hearty meal with some delicious dessert. In return they get them to invest in their IPOs. How accountable is a Mutual Fund to investors at the end of the day? ULIPs are still worse than Mutual Funds – they are probably one of the best ways to commit financial suicide.
If institutional investors had not backed some of the IPOs, they would have simply collapsed. Even in the case of quality FPOs, I will rather pick it up in the market at a lower price than compete with others in an FPO. When markets correct 500 points in a day, I don’t have to compete with anybody to buy. Most people who play in Future and Options are selling stocks as if they are on fire.
These are the types of opportunities any smart investor waits for. We are once again to start seeing this. This is just the beginning and if you have Rs. 100, you can start by putting 3-4 rupees now gradually just for taste. Why would anyone in their right senses want to block their money in an Incredibly Pathetic Offering, when in the coming days we are going to get some incredible investment opportunities?
The global economic situation is becoming worse. America’s financial problems are getting bigger and bigger. Pockets in China, Japan, UK, Middle East(Dubai) and Europe are all in financial trouble. Unemployment is rising and demographics are no longer favorable. Financial wars are being fought which the masses do not know anything about.
This was the scene that I and investors like the Chameleon were waiting to unravel. Now is just the beginning. Today there is a huge risk if you keep your money in USD, Pounds o Euro as the economies behind these currencies are all unstable. Investments in any of these economies is also a big risk. Within a matter of moments things can turn around.
See what happened with Toyota within a matter of days and how it crashed from its glory. See what happened with Lehman Brothers, Merrily Lynch, AIG, GM, Ford, Dubai, Greece, Portugal, Spain, etc. I will once again stick my head out and say this is just the beginning. In India had real estate guys not been temporarily bailed out by the RBI, they too would have collapsed. No bail-out can last forever – we saw the real estate collapse in America, Dubai, Japan and now China.
Now if you analyze these happenings, you will realize that anyone who is not informed will lose immense money. As always in the midst of this, there are some incredible opportunities turning up. In India keeping your investable money in an FD or blocking it in real estate will be foolish and you need to keep cash ready to pounce on the right opportunities. In the midst of all the global chaos and financial wars being fought, somehow thanks to our past Karmas India will turn out to be an oasis of wealth and opportunity.
Today the Indian Rupee actually has the scope to become an international currency, as it backed by a strong domestic economy and the English language. Believe it or not, there are more Indians who speak English than the British themselves. Do not trust rating agencies which give India less of a credit rating than America. These are the same rating agencies who told investors to invest in Lehman Brothers and caused pensions funds in Europe to bankrupt.
I will use the coming opportunity as a chance to once again invest in India and not let some rating agencies stop me. I am reminded of what Lord Krishna told Arjuna on the battle field, when he was having doubts about going to war. Our daily lives whether at work, business or investing also is like a war where we may have doubts. But we need to do what is right and what we believe in.
"O Partha! Lucky are those Kshatriyas(warriors) who get such an opportunity, which opens for them the doors of the heaven. If you don’t wage this righteous war, then for neglecting your duties, you will incur sin and lose your reputation.
All people will always talk of your infamy which surely is worse and painful than death for a respectable man. The great generals who have highly esteemed your name and fame will think that you have left the battlefield out of fear only, and thus they will consider you insignificant. Your enemies will speak many spiteful and insulting words causing harm to your reputation discrediting your power. What could be more painful than that? So Arjuna! get up and fight.
Fight for the sake of fighting, treating victory and defeat, pleasure and distress, loss or gain alike. By so doing you will not incur any sin."
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